Labeo, Paulus and Ulpian: Causal reasoning and contract liability
causation, Greek phlisophy, lease contract, causation theoriesAbstract
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to examine to what extent jurists such as Labeo, Paulus or Ulpianus used causal analysis in the elaboration of answers to problems of contractual liability, specifically those related to the lease contract. To achieve this objective, the paper offers, firstly, an overview of Hellenistic philosophy on causation, in order to contextualize the coordinates of the doctrines on causation that may have influenced the thinking of Roman jurists. Next, it presents three problems solved by jurists, all, as already mentioned, relating to leasing, to explore the use of causal reasoning in them and the differences that would have occurred in this context. The result of the inquiry is the finding of differences between the thinking of Labeo and Paulus, as well as Ulpian's adherence to the former's type of analysis.
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