“None can be forgotten” religious identity and the phenomenon of migration in the magisterium of Pope Francisco in the time of covid-19


  • Daniela Tarantino University of Genoa (Italy)


inmigración; identidad religiosa; magisterio papal; derecho canónico; emergencia sanitaria.


Nobody should be forgotten!”. This is the title of the weekly bulletin of the Migrants and Refugees section of the Department for the Promotion of Integral Human Development. The lockdowns related to COVID-19 have severely weakened world economies and the number of people in poverty has increased worldwide. The state of alarm generated by the international health emergency often has a negative impact on people forced to flee their country, aggravating their disorientation, their marginalization, their vulnerability, making access to essential services more difficult and more complex the protection of their rights. For this reason, the various Catholic actors have developed guidelines to guide local communities in possible actions aimed at helping migrants and refugees during the pandemic. Alongside the initiatives carried out to deal with the pandemic emergency, the Church underlines the need for an integral approach to the migratory question, which places the human person in all its dimensions at the center, with profound respect for his dignity and his rights, among the which stands out for religious identity.This right it’s very important, both from the legal point of view, both socio-anthropological perspective, as constitutive element of personal identity and belonging factor. In the current historical moment, a reflection on the basis of the conciliar principles and the papal magisterium, appears underline the hospitality, the service, the interreligious dialogue able to promote a “dialogical” right to protection of integral human development while respecting religious identity moving.


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How to Cite

Tarantino, D. (2023). “None can be forgotten” religious identity and the phenomenon of migration in the magisterium of Pope Francisco in the time of covid-19. Vergentis. Revista De Investigación De La Cátedra Internacional Conjunta Inocencio III, (15). Retrieved from https://vergentis.ucam.edu/index.php/vergentis/article/view/250

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