Historical and Legal approach to the interrelation between Law and Information and Communication Technologies. The case of Fundamental Rights
legal evolution, internet, fundamental rights, Information and Communication TechnologiesAbstract
The emergence of the new Information and Communication Technologies has brought a multitude of advantages in the economic, cultural and political aspects of modern society, however, there have also been a multitude of conflicts and legal problems that pose a challenge for the Law. A historical-legal approach is taken to study the interrelation between Law and Information and Communication Technologies. The evolution of the Law and the peculiar relationship between Law and technology are discussed. Information and Communications Technologies are what, to a large extent, drive history. From this point of view, the current revolution of the new "Digital Era" is compared with the characteristics of other important technological revolutions. The fundamental rights of the personality are one of the most relevant concerns related to the Information and Communications Technologies since their use have serious implications regarding the delimitation of the right to honor, privacy, one's own image or freedom of expression. With the regulation of the fundamental rights of personality, new legal figures have emerged that are typical of the use of the Internet such as hate speech, digital censorship or the right to be forgotten. The Law is configured as the regulatory instrument that should fit these new figures and rights in today's society and also those that will emerge in the future, therefore the Law must adapt to new technologies and changes that will happen.
Keywords: legal evolution; Internet; fundamental rights; Information and Communication Technologies.
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