The reception of The Spoliatus ante Omnia Restituendus Principle in The Foral Valencian Historical Law


  • Carmen Lázaro Guillamón Jaume I University (Spain)


posesión, defensa posesoria, exceptio spolli, actio spolli, Furs de València


The concept of possession, its legal regime and its forms of protection in the Valencian Historical Foral Law, specifically in the texts of the Furs de València, offer one of the clearest examples of the reception of ideas and forms of Roman Law reinterpreted by the work of the jurists of the ius commune, especially, in this case, due to the expansion of the concept of possessio and its defense, operated by medieval canon law informed by the principle spoliatus ante omnia restituendus that, since its application to ecclesiastical offices and benefits, to manorial rights as a jurisdictional power, even also to rights that today we would qualify as real charges, and also to the rights of the spouse over the matrimonial community, it extends its influence to the summary protection of the simple possession of a thing in favor of who has been plundered. In particular, it will be analyzed how the so-called Canon Redintegranda of the Decretum Gratiani, as well as the Decretals of Gregory IX, in particular, title XIII of book II whose rubric reads De restitutione expoliaturum, are integrated into the texts of the Furs de València for the summary protection of possession.


Keywords: possession; possessory defense; exceptio spolii; actio spolii; Furs de València.


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2021-09-29 — Updated on 2022-03-30

How to Cite

Lázaro Guillamón, C. (2022). The reception of The Spoliatus ante Omnia Restituendus Principle in The Foral Valencian Historical Law. Vergentis. Revista De Investigación De La Cátedra Internacional Conjunta Inocencio III, 1(13), 19–51. Retrieved from

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