Historical Evolution and Resilience of the Islamic Financial System: Ethical Challenges and Adaptation in a Global High-Interest Rate Environment


  • Armando Alvares Garcia Júnior Universidad Internacional de La Rioja




Islamic Finance, Sharia, Interbank Market, riba, interest rates, sustainability


The research examines the historical evolution and resilience of the Islamic financial system in the face of challenges posed by rising interest rates in the global interbank market. The richness of Islamic legal tradition in financial matters is highlighted, with contributions from Sunni, Shia, and Sufi schools of thought. Despite the challenges, the Islamic financial system has demonstrated a capacity for adaptation and innovation, developing alternative contractual structures that allow it to participate in the international financial market without compromising its fundamental religious principles. Its focus on ethics, social justice, and financial stability makes it an attractive alternative for both Muslim and non-Muslim investors in the pursuit of more sustainable models. However, the need for greater standardisation and harmonisation of Islamic financial practices at a global level is noted. The future of the system will depend on its ability to balance fidelity to its principles with innovation and adaptation to a changing financial environment. Overall, the study underscores the relevance of understanding and appreciating the complexity and richness of the Islamic financial system, which can provide valuable lessons to the global debate on ethics and sustainability in finance.


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Author Biography

Armando Alvares Garcia Júnior, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

ORCID: 0000-0001-6719-1874


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How to Cite

Alvares Garcia Júnior, A. (2024). Historical Evolution and Resilience of the Islamic Financial System: Ethical Challenges and Adaptation in a Global High-Interest Rate Environment. Vergentis. Revista De Investigación De La Cátedra Internacional Conjunta Inocencio III, (18). https://doi.org/10.12800/vg.18.5

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