Decent work in the interpretation of the Social Doctrine of the Church


  • Fabrizia Santini Università del Piemonte Orientale (Italy)


Work, Social Doctrine of the Church, Dignity, Fair wages, Justice


The contribution aims to provide an analysis, from a labor law perspective, of the systemic lines of the Social Doctrine of the Church, which is a necessary paradigm for all reflections revolving around the theme of "dignified work." Indeed, in invoking the "dignity" of work, one cannot overlook its theological inspiration, positioning it at the crossroads of Christian-humanistic and positive rational thought. From this point of view, there is a re-evaluation of human labor that balances its original function as expiation for the original sin and moves towards its affirmation as a continuance of the creation, an imitation of Christ in his human experience as a worker. Special attention will be given to the theme of "fair pay". Yesterday as today, the measure of justice in the socio-economic system has progressively been complemented by various social benefits aimed at protecting the life and health of workers and their families. The ultimate goal of the Social Doctrine of the Church is not - "income for all" but - "work for all" because people can only transform nature through their work. By adapting nature to their needs, people can express themselves as a human beings, and indeed, in a certain sense can become "more human."


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Author Biography

Fabrizia Santini, Università del Piemonte Orientale (Italy)

ORCID: 0000-0002-1022-6316


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How to Cite

Santini, F. (2024). Decent work in the interpretation of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Vergentis. Revista De Investigación De La Cátedra Internacional Conjunta Inocencio III, (17). Retrieved from

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