Loss of the Thing Due and Hypothetical Causality: Dogmatic History of the Articles 1672 and 1676 of the Chilean Civil Code
hypothetical causality, French civil doctrine,, Sources of the Chilean Code, Joseph Pothier, loss of the thing dueAbstract
This paper offers some outcomes of a more far-reaching research into causality and contractual liability. The aim of the paper is to examine the dogmatic history of two statues of the Chilean Civil Code, articles 1672 and 1676, insofar as they show the formulation of hypothetical causality schemes regarding to the effects of the loss of the thing due. The method followed has been that of investigating the sources of the Chilean Civil Code on this matter, for which a relevant starting point is Bello's notes to the 1853 Project. The study provides evidence that the hypothetical causality schemes introduced in the Chilean Civil Code have an origin in the work of Joseph Pothier and, through this author, became relevant certain passages of the Digest, precisely those that allow establishing accurately the set of assumptions contained in said schemes.
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