Synodality today, in light of the Second Vatican Council
Sinodality, Pope Francis, Canon LawAbstract
The aim of this study is to demonstrate that synodality, as a constitutive dimension of the Church, must be expressed in its modus vivendi and modus agendi. Particularly, in the contemporary world marked by the great speed of the events, the Church must develop a sense broader than the synodality that truly becomes its identity and its continuous and daily breathing. In other words, synodality must permeate all ecclesial institutions, even those that must participate in a daily continuous discernment. Pope Francis has also perceived this need and insists that the whole Church must allow itself to be impregnated by the synodal dynamics, so that it can be increasingly configured as a synodal Church in order to effectively respond to its missionary vocation.
Keywords: synodality; Pope Francis; Canon Law.
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