From the monasterium clericorum to the studia generalia. The catholic education in the ius antiquum
Monasterium clericorum, Studia generalia, Munus docendi, Ius Antuquum, Catholic educationAbstract
The need of examining in depth the Mystery of salvation and of fulfilling faithfully the mission of spreading the Good News revealed by the Divine Founder, encouraged the Church, ever since its beginning, to take care of the education of the redeemed persons, especially of those who had an important position in the practice of the munus docendi. This research includes a general gaze to the measures adopted over the centuries in order to answer properly to those needs, starting with the first council legislation, until the creation of the studia generalia, which were the precursors of the modern universities and were created to safeguard the stability of knowledge that is necessary in order to allow its fruitful development.
Keywords: Monasterium clericorum; Studia generalia; Munus docendi; Ius Antiquum; Catholic education.
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