The status personæ of the refugee: towards a uniform system of law?
rifugiati, convenzione di Ginevra 1951, diritto Internazionale privato, Patto globale sui rifugiatiAbstract
Traditionally, the 1951 Geneva Convention is considered the Magna Charta in terms of refugee protection. In fact, it is the international agreement that most fully deals with the person forced to leave their Country of origin and whose sole objective is to provide these categories of people with an adequate form of assistance. Despite this undisputed data, the Convention remains, to date, subject of discussions in doctrine, as well as jurisprudential interpretation. The purpose of this contribution is to focus attention on art. 12 of the aforementioned Convention, which deals with conflict of law in term of status of the refugee. As will emerge, the provision does not indicate in a univocal way the set of rights and duties deriving from the personal status of a refugee, but adopts the private international factor of reference to a national legislation. From practice, this method can determine divergent applications and interpretations from State to State, deriving from the fact that the definition of refugee, of personal status, domicile and residence may not coincide.In a general context of mutual influence of common law and civil law systems, as well as gradual legal contamination to Islamic law, is it still reasonable to refer to “conflicts of laws” or could we theorize the gradual formation of a general uniform law system?
Keywords: refugees; 1951 Geneva Convention; Conflict of Laws; Global Compact on Refugees.
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