Legal regulation of migrants and refugees: de iure condito and de iure condendo perspectives


  • Jessica Romeo Pontifical Lateran University (Vatican City State)


The current global scenario and the constant emergency that characterizes the management of migration flows, especially in the European area, require an analysis that, starting from the necessary legal distinction between the concepts of refugee and migrant, provides concrete proposals for greater and better management of the present phenomenon. In this regard, it’s important to study the effective contribution made by non-governmental organizations operating within the International Community, particularly in relation to the preparation, and management, of safe entry routes. Therefore, we need a joint and harmonized management of the phenomenon that is supported by the instrument of international cooperation through the implementation of the rules and principles dictated by the 1951 Geneva Convention and the 2016 New York Declaration.


Keywords: refugees; economic migrant; climate migrant; Global compact for migration; Global compact on refugees; UNHCR.


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How to Cite

Romeo, J. (2020). Legal regulation of migrants and refugees: de iure condito and de iure condendo perspectives. Vergentis. Revista De Investigación De La Cátedra Internacional Conjunta Inocencio III, 1(10), 219–235. Retrieved from