Mobility, Refugees and the law in the Roman World
Roman world, migratory policies, Roman law, refugeesAbstract
In the Roman world, central or local authorities never issued general rules concerning migratory flows and the protection of their territory. The very notion of migrant cannot be translated: the Latin words rather designate situations of mobility without prejudging the status of the person moving. However, apart from certain panegyrics that describe the Roman world as a fluid one, the sources make it possible to establish the existence of multiple measures taken to control or protect certain categories of people, according to various logics (fight against tax evasion, maintenance of public order, or protection of symbolic spaces). But can we speak of migration policies? After a brief examination of this question, which allows us to establish that the ancients clearly distinguished between legal and clandestine, useful and useless mobility, the article analyzes more precisely the procedures required, under the Republic and the Empire, to request asylum: whether it concerned exiles, deserters, barbarian refugees, they all related to ius and to fides, in a way that make it possible to better distinguish between refugees and deported, but also between hospitality and asylum.
Keywords: Roman world; migratory policies; Roman law; refugees.
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