The evolution of the resources system in the last resort and crystallization of the monarchich principle in Seville in the mid-sixteenth century


  • Maria del Mar Tizón Ferrer Sevilla University (Spain)


Jurisdictional exemption, Citizien justice and royal justice, Last instance appeals, Institutionalization of the Royal Audiencia of Seville, Final Appeal


This paper analyzes the influence of the privilege of jurisdictional exemption used by the city of Seville since the late Middle Ages in the system of last appeals and its evolution until mid-sixteenth century. The introduction of the monarchical principle in the last appeals of the city and the institutionalization of a Royal Appeal Court occurred at the same time. In this process, the reforms undertaken by the Catholic Monarchs were essential. Despite the jurisdictional conflicts with the town Council, finally the royal judicial Ordinances of 1566 will outline a Royal High Court in Seville very similar to the Castilian Chancillerías.


Keywords: Jurisdictional exemption; Citizen justice and royal justice; Last instance appeals; Institutionalization of the Royal Audiencia of Seville; Final appeal.


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How to Cite

Tizón Ferrer, M. del M. (2018). The evolution of the resources system in the last resort and crystallization of the monarchich principle in Seville in the mid-sixteenth century. Vergentis. Revista De Investigación De La Cátedra Internacional Conjunta Inocencio III, 1(6), 193–218. Retrieved from