Administration of temporary assets of the Order of Minor Brothers in the Rule of 1223 and in the Constitutions (1955,1979,2010)


  • Rosario Celdrán Hernández Theological Institute of Murcia (Spain)


Hermanos menores, fraternidad, gestión de bienes, Constituciones


This article presents various relevant social and economic aspects that influenced the society in which Francisco was immersed. A society that abandons the old feudal system and gives way to a new society where money is increasingly imposed both in politics and in social relations. Francisco lives a new social era where relationships cease to be one of subordination and dependence. But the Church remains feudal and this caused discomfort to the humble people. Francisco, due to the life he chose, rejected everything that prevented living evangelical poverty. Francisco tries to regulate the life of the brothers through the Rules. The study of Rule 1223 and the Constitutions of 1955, 1974 and 2010 will allow us to analyze the evolution and importance that the administration of property acquires in them, being faithful to the charism of Francis of Assisi.


Keywords: Friars Minor; Fraternity; Property Management; Constitutions.


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2021-09-30 — Updated on 2022-03-30

How to Cite

Celdrán Hernández, R. (2022). Administration of temporary assets of the Order of Minor Brothers in the Rule of 1223 and in the Constitutions (1955,1979,2010). Vergentis. Revista De Investigación De La Cátedra Internacional Conjunta Inocencio III, 1(13), 187–220. Retrieved from