CALL FOR PAPERS: Alfonso X and his time
- The papers shall be submitted to the scientific committee exclusively through the online
platform of the Journal Vergentis, through the section “proposals”, after carrying out the log
in or registration, in case of accessing the webpage of the journal for the first time.Log in
or registration are necessary in order to submit scientific proposals and follow theentire
editorial procedure.
- The unpublished and original papers can be written in Spanish, Italian, French, English and
- The editorial staff will verify the originality of the paper through the Turnitin Platform and submit
it to two anonymous and external reviewers outside the institution and the editorial board,
according to the peer-review system. Under no circumstance shall plagiarism or lack of
originality of the submitted documents be accepted.
- Publication standards can be consulted on the webpage of the journal.
31 August 2022. Within 60 calendar days, the authors will receive a positive or negative
reasonedresponse concerning the publication of the article.
The scientific proposals that have passed the editorial review process will be published in one of the2022 bi-annual issues of the Journal Vergentis. Print ISSN: 2445-2394 (Thomnson Reuters Aranzadi); Online
ISSN: 2605-3357.