The Liber Picatrix and the magic thought in the Toledo of Alfonso X


  • Javier Ortiz Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)


Toledo, Alfonso X, Picatrix, astral magic, nigromancy


The work of Liber Picatrix have his origins in Al-Ándalus and in the cultural phenomenon of the Translatio Studiorum. However, it was not until the 13th century, age of the King Alfonso X, when the effervescence of the School of translators of Toledo will become him in one most popular magic books of the history. One medieval grimoire, whose procedures on the astrology, the alchemy and even the nigromancy, justified the world view of the Wise King and your place in the world, as well as fame that the city of Toledo got like center of learning of the magics arts.



How to Cite

Ortiz, J. (2022). The Liber Picatrix and the magic thought in the Toledo of Alfonso X . Vergentis. Revista De Investigación De La Cátedra Internacional Conjunta Inocencio III, (14). Retrieved from