The loi des suspects del 1793 of 1793 and migrants: terror on the agenda


  • Vincenzo Toscano University of Milan (Italy)


With the emergence of the Terror and the seizure by the Giacobins, the French Revolution reaches its most extreme moment. The breaking point generated four years earlier not only destroys the society of the old regime, but also has negative consequences on the law side. In 1793 the national Convention approves a legislative provision that dissolves any glimmer of reason: the Law of suspects, followed by further measures of a similar nature. For the fear of being considered traitors to the homeland and inevitably condemned to death, thousand of French emigrate beyond the borders of their own country, in a forced exodus with uncertain consequences.


Keywords: French Revolution; Terror; national Convention; Law of suspects; exodus; traitors to the homeland.


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How to Cite

Toscano, V. (2020). The loi des suspects del 1793 of 1793 and migrants: terror on the agenda. Vergentis. Revista De Investigación De La Cátedra Internacional Conjunta Inocencio III, 1(10), 179–197. Retrieved from